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All BVM products

The group "New Technologies" offers for review the products of the plant BVM: electric actuators for fire-fighting valves, air dampers, smoke extraction valves, electromagnets, explosion-proof electric actuators, actuators for variable flow valves, electric cranes, differential pressure switches, capillary thermostats, temperature, humidity, air quality sensors, ventilation equipment, motor wheels for duct fans
  • Electric drives of fire-fighting valves BVM
    Electric drives of fire-fighting valves
    BLF24-05, BLF230-05, etc.
  • Electric drives of air dampers BVM
    Electric drives of air dampers
    TS03-24S, TS03-230S, etc.
  • Reversible electric smoke extraction drives BVM
    Reversible electric smoke extraction drives
    BLE230-10, BLE230-15, etc.
  • Electromagnets BVM
    EMD-220m1, EMD-24m1, etc.
  • Explosion-proof electric drives BVM
    Explosion-proof electric drives
    BLE24-10+STL 07, etc.
  • Actuators for variable flow valves BVM
    Actuators for variable flow valves
    VAV 24-05, VAV 24-10, etc.
  • Cranes with electric drives BVM
    Cranes with electric drives
    BVM 3- way DN15, EPK24AV, etc.
  • Differential air pressure switch BVM
    Differential air pressure switch
    PDV-A-2, PDV-M-2, etc.
  • Capillary thermostats BVM
    Capillary thermostats
    KP61-5, KP61-6, etc.
  • Temperature / humidity / Air quality sensors BVM
    Temperature / humidity / Air quality sensors
    GST-1-PT1K, GST-2-PT1K, etc.
  • Triac speed controllers, potentiometers BVM
    Triac speed controllers, potentiometers
    MTP-X10K-NA and others.
  • Five-stage autotransformers BVM
    Five-stage autotransformers
    ATR-1-15L25, ATR-1-25L25, etc.
  • Transformer speed controllers BVM
    Transformer speed controllers
    SC2-1-15L25, SC2-1-25L25, etc.
  • DIN rail power supplies BVM
    DIN rail power supplies
    LP1025-24, L500-24, etc.
  • Industrial thermostats BVM
    Industrial thermostats
    PTCR801 et al.
  • Ventilation equipment BVM
    Ventilation equipment
    SVT, SOM CLR, etc.


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